Hari Raya Gathering 2024
Syawal has passed but celebrations are still held to enliven the month. The committees gathered together for Hari Raya Gathering celebration organized jointly by Perstima Berhad and Kelab Perstima. As a tradition that we preserved, the Hari Raya gathering provided the occasion for members and their families to meet each other, and to acquaint anew over the Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

The event was organized on Wednesday, 1st May 2024. More than 400 families’ members gathered at Mega Pawana Hall. With Hari Raya songs playing in the background, it was indeed a festive atmosphere as staffs and families gathered to enjoy a plenty of mouthwatering dishes such as Nasi Beriayani, Sate, Kambing Golek, Ketupat, Rendang, and other deserts. Duit raya and door gift distributions among children of the staff were given out during the gathering. Not left, the pensioners were also invited and cherish the event.

Indeed, the gathering give us an opportunity to indulge together in that favourite members’ passion that is, food. But more than that, such gatherings give us opportunities to renew and strengthen acquaintances and friendships.

Big thanks to all committees for the hard work and memorable Hari Raya Gathering.